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  • Katarina

Day 9: First Week Update

The BinaryBot’s could not have had more of a successful first week. Each Bot was sorted into a committee based on what they wanted to contribute to the robot; the “Defenses” subteam, the “Electronics” subteam, and the “Chassis” subteam. The Defenses committee’s job is to build mock versions of the obstacles that the Robot will have to overcome during the actual competition. According to John, “The instructions [to the defenses] were not completely correct, but we used teamwork to go through abstract directions in order to get the job done.” At the end of the week, all of the defenses were built! The Electronics subteam were also able to get the majority of their work done. Stated by Mario, “We had to carefully think through the placement of each wire because they needed to prevent accidents such as: short circuiting, damaging the other electronics, or the robot possibly not functioning correctly.” And lastly, after many repetitive tries and taking things apart, the Chassis subteam was able to finish all of their work. According to Katarina, “The nozzle kept on hitting the belt, causing the wheels to jam so we had to start over and rebuild it. Although it was a great learning experience.” Overall, the BinaryBot’s have progressed at an extremely successful rate.

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